the truth about spilled milk

My 2.5 year old entertained himself for half an hour yesterday by transferring blueberries back and forth from a Pyrex dish to a plastic cup… over and over. I could have stopped him, but he was so focused and quiet on scooping and measuring that I figured it was worth a carton of blueberries.

That’s how I comfort my thrifty cheap soul when things are wasted. Especially things I paid good money for. Especially food.

It’s not a waste if it was used. It’s just being used in a different way than I think it should be.

And that’s the cost of doing business… or the price of learning.

I remind myself this when…

  • A baby empties an entire tissue box
  • My kid spends his dollar store budget on a really dumb item
  • Half of our daily fruit/veggie snack platter ends up in the garbage
  • I graciously share the last of my smoothie, which immediately gets splattered all over the kitchen floor

Was that a waste? Or was that the price of a learning opportunity?

  • …about cause and effect
  • …learning to make decisions when the stakes are still low
  • …being exposed daily to healthy foods, without pressure
  • …practicing cleaning up without drama about mistakes made

What’s something that your kid “wastes”... and how can you see the purpose that it did serve?

Parenting for Jewish Mothers

Textbook parenting that works in real life! Look forward to personal perspectives, musings on motherhood, and some "been there, done that" tips or tricks to make motherhood better for you and your child (age 0-6). I'm an educator and mom of 4... so I get it, and I'm in it too!

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